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Why a stable network should be every bricks-and-mortar retailer’s bread-and-butter


According to the latest PwC report, about 14 shops are closing every day in the UK as the high street faces one of its toughest seasons in five years. It’s no secret that the convenience of online shopping has been challenging retailers for some time now. With the world of technology ever changing, retailers need to adapt in order to keep up with both their immediate competitors and the wider industry.

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Digitising the high street, part two: How?


In part one of this two part blog series, we looked at why "bricks-and-mortar" retailers are embracing Digital Transformation in order to compete with the new breed of online retail giants.

In part two, we look at the specific challenges Digital Transformation is throwing up for the high street, and how these challenges can be addressed.

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Developing a new breed of security to suit the new ways in which we consume content

The way in which we consume content has changed forever. Physical media and prescheduled TV and radio have rapidly given way to the convenience, accessibility, and range offered by streaming services. Independent content creators share the digital stage with the most well-established industry leaders, and numerous organisations have embraced the mantra that 'content is king', utilising online video as a key tool for building engagement with their prospects and customers.
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  1990 Hits

What is the role of Telematics in the Transport and Logistics industry and how will it impact digitisation?


The foundation of Telematics is the technology that collects, stores and sends information between end users and vehicles through telecommunication devices.

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Digitisation is already transforming all Transport and Logistics segments and is expected to be the most impactful trend over the coming years, reshaping entire businesses.


In the face of globalisation, digitisation, and the entirely new business models that have followed the emergence of new and innovative services, the need for rapid change is being defined and set by customers and their expectations.

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Maintaining operational resilience in a changing Finance sector


The Finance sector has always been one of the most dynamic, rapidly evolving industries, and this shows no signs of changing any time soon. But while shifts in the landscape may well open new opportunities, they will also come with new challenges, and it is the organisations who are ready and able to face these head-on who will continue to thrive in the years ahead.

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Adversity into opportunity: transforming the legal sector’s view of IT

legal-blog-apr20 Adversity into opportunity: transforming the legal sector’s view of IT
It's impossible to overstate the impact COVID-19 has had on businesses throughout the UK, forcing organisations to rethink their approaches to work, and – in many cases – redesign their infrastructures to accommodate the Government's new requirements for remote working. The legal sector is no different, but has been hit especially hard, due to the preponderance of cumbersome legacy systems that need to be migrated and updated, and a generally slow rate of digital transformation across the entire industry.
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Tailored IT solutions for the hospitality & leisure sector


The way the hospitality & leisure industry interacts with guests is constantly evolving, with cutting-edge technology offering new channels for ev...

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Why is Object Storage the right solution to underpin your Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and IoT analytics strategies?


Selecting the right storage architecture is essential for organisations that are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data and IoT analytics. For example, AI applications that involve scientific and medical research create and interact with numerous large files, and therefore need a storage system that can scale to a petabyte level, with zero restrictions. Similarly, ML applications and Big Data projects require a scalable, cost-effective storage solution to accommodate the high volumes of data that will be produced. This raises the question of which storage solution enterprises should use to underpin their overall analytics strategies.

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Technology Led Construction – The Expert Opinion: Interview with Aarni Heiskanen


I spoke to a globally recognised thought leader on the role of technology and innovation in the Construction industry. Aarni Heiskanen shares his thoughts and vision with me, which are no doubt helping to shape the construction landscape today and more importantly, the future.

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How partnering with Exponential-e can make you a go-to business for data centre solutions


While the improvement of IT management remains a goal for all enterprise IT teams, the true aim for IT departments today should be to simplify IT in order to drive business agility. Unfortunately, simplifying IT isn’t so simple.

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How legal firms can fix their relationship with cloud technology and safeguard their future


The relationship between cloud technology and the Legal sector has been something of a slow burner. Understandably, legal firms have previously been reluctant to adopt cloud technology due to the sensitive data they hold. Through the Cloud, data is able to flow freely to and from recognised enterprise endpoints, but also from mobile devices belonging to employees.

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Why technology is vital for future-proofing the broadcast and media industry


Today, innovation in technology is changing the way digital media is consumed more quickly than ever before. Tech-savvy consumers are creating an ever-growing market for data-intensive HD and UHD content, consuming content online, on the move and on-demand.

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  3021 Hits

Multi-cloud and security challenges

76% of organisations are implementing the cloud or already operating in it. And no wonder: Cloud can do great things for your organisation. It can provide increased data storage capacity, improved business continuity, and potential cost reduction. However, using the cloud brings significant security risks with it, including data loss and threats to data privacy.
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Making sense of the Cloud-buzz: what quick wins are available to establish Business and Security value?


On Thursday 25th April, Exponential-e held a Financial Services and Insurance roundtable event at 'M Restaurant' in Victoria, London. The event brough...

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  2886 Hits

Why digital transformation (DX) is the engine powering advancements in the life sciences industry.

The life sciences ecosystem encompasses organisations from big pharma to biotech start-up, third sector to private equity / VC, all ultimately striving to positively impact people's lives and deliver tangible patient outcomes in an increasingly complex health environment. However, in this digital age, their noble work risks diminishing returns if technological progression is not embraced, and DX is not adopted - after all, no one wants to get left behind.
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How to simplify multi-Cloud management


In recent years, Cloud has become popular with organisations due to its simplicity, accessibility and relatively low-cost. Using Cloud, you can avoid many of the difficulties and expenditures that come with operating your own infrastructure, and - because it's easily accessible from anywhere - Cloud can give your users much more flexibility than on-prem legacy infrastructure.

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Culture and technology: getting UK business’ through lockdown


The past few months have certainly been challenging for businesses all over the UK - from start-ups to established industry leaders. Organisations have found themselves adapting to the demands of a remote workforce virtually overnight, deploying communications solutions to enable their teams to engage with both each other and their customers. While it's true that this technology has been available for a while now, it has never been deployed at this scale before. This has presented a range of challenges when it comes to infrastructure, but these are only part of the picture.

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  1973 Hits

From heads in the Cloud to eyes in the Cloud


Cloud adoption has been rising year by year for some time now, with Gartner predicting this trend to accelerate beyond 2020. It has long moved on from its earliest days, where it was largely regarded as an intriguing concept but unsuitable for enterprise-level applications. Now, with a wide range of options available - including Public, Private and Hybrid solutions - it has become a highly attractive prospect for organisations at all levels, especially against the backdrop of COVID-19 and the resulting advancement of remote working. While these trends are very much the latest stage in a long process of transformation, the pandemic has undoubtedly been the catalyst behind much recent Cloud adoption, as organisations accelerate their journeys towards a distributed workforce. 

So, where does that leave us in terms of the biggest question: "Is Cloud right for my organisation?"

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Ensuring home working benefits staff, families and organisations alike

There's no doubt that home working is here to stay. While it may have initially been deployed at large scale out of necessity, in response to COVID-19, it is clear that we are witnessing the dawn of a fully distributed workforce. However, as organisations continue to invest in new solutions to drive this change, it's important to remember that these are still the early days. We've never seen home working at this sort of scale, which means we need to establish a new standard of best practice and - equally importantly - the technology to support this.
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