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Beyond the buzzwords: why you should be paying attention to tech if you’re in Legal.


What a time to work in the Legal sector! There's so many new technologies to think about; perhaps too many. There's cloud, there's automation, there's AI/Machine Learning, there's agile working, there's digital transformation… any more buzzwords you care to think of?

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Cloud and the top 3 technology considerations for business transformation strategy


In the final instalment of this story of innovation and Cloud computing, it’s time to explore how a successful transformation strategy yields the best of both worlds -- that is to say, harnessing both Public Cloud and Private Cloud to create a fruitful Hybrid.

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  3667 Hits

Enabling innovation: the boundaries and limitations of traditional IT


As IT teams look to assume the innovative role now expected of them, major challenges are being thrown up by changes in the business landscape. Following last week’s lessons from Darwin and Xerox on limitless innovation, it’s time for an education on enabling such innovation in all areas of business.

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  2812 Hits

3 real-world examples of how to use SD-WAN to make money


Saving money with SD-WAN (part three)

Having debunked some of the myths surrounding SD-WAN’s money-saving properties in part one, and having provided some hypothetical examples of how it can actually save you money in part two, in the final part of this series I want to really ‘get real’ about SD-WAN.

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  4665 Hits

Beyond boundaries: what Darwin and Xerox can teach businesses about limitless innovation


When it comes to business strategy, nothing is certain except change. Darwinism – otherwise known as “survival of the fittest”, rather than merely the biggest – is as prevalent in the business world as in nature. Rather than the biggest businesses, only the most adaptable survive; as ever, history tells us as much.

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  2908 Hits

There’s an app for that – but is this what the NHS really needs?


New health secretary Matt Hancock has been beating the technology drum. As well as announcing that almost £500 million would be made available for technology, he's also asserted that the service needs more apps. However, it’s fair to wonder: is this the right avenue to funnel resources?

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  3940 Hits

Forget the hype: here’s 3 ways you can actually save money with SD-WAN


Saving money with SD-WAN (part two)

"SD-WAN is an exciting, transformative technology that can do a lot of amazing things for your business – but it needs to be used correctly."

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  4961 Hits

The bottom line: the financial & operational benefits of complete Cloud estate visibility


In our last blog, Jonathan Bridges talked about how Exponential-e’s Cloud Management Platform (CMP) could simplify your Cloud estate by providing a single-pane-of-glass view of different Cloud environments.

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  1995 Hits

Cloud control: the perils of running a multi-cloud environment

The key ingredient for any organisation looking to drive digital transformation is Cloud. Actually, scratch that: it is Clouds. But how do you manage multiple Clouds without getting bogged down by digital paperwork?
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  3479 Hits

Digital Transformation in the Legal sector: some key takeaways from BLTF 2019


Attending the British Legal Technology Forum (BLTF) in London last week highlighted the increasing importance and emphasis on Digital Transformation (DX) within the Legal sector. 

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  5264 Hits

How your organisation can be more flexible


In today's competitive environment, being flexible is a fundamental part of any business strategy to survive. To be flexible, organisations must make the necessary changes needed to respond effectively to the changing market. One simple way organisations can increase their flexibility is by using the innovative technology solutions and services that are available.

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  2880 Hits

AI and Big Data


In 2019, we worked with a customer who owns and operates a mine in Mozambique to help them identify their key business objectives and advise them on how to succeed on these. Throughout our discussions with them, we defined the below key objectives:

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  3291 Hits

Beyond customer service: How organisations and their technology partners are transforming the contact centre


A common perception of contact centres is that their callers - be they customers, patients or end users - only contact them if something is ...

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  2545 Hits