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Beyond the buzzwords: why you should be paying attention to tech if you’re in Legal.


What a time to work in the Legal sector! There's so many new technologies to think about; perhaps too many. There's cloud, there's automation, there's AI/Machine Learning, there's agile working, there's digital transformation… any more buzzwords you care to think of?

  3608 Hits

Technology Led Construction – The Expert Opinion: Interview with Aarni Heiskanen


I spoke to a globally recognised thought leader on the role of technology and innovation in the Construction industry. Aarni Heiskanen shares his thoughts and vision with me, which are no doubt helping to shape the construction landscape today and more importantly, the future.

  3598 Hits

There’s an app for that – but is this what the NHS really needs?


New health secretary Matt Hancock has been beating the technology drum. As well as announcing that almost £500 million would be made available for technology, he's also asserted that the service needs more apps. However, it’s fair to wonder: is this the right avenue to funnel resources?

  4231 Hits