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Bromley Healthcare


A full-stack deployment for a leading South-east London healthcare provider delivers the digital foundation for exceptional patient care About Bromley...

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  1117 Hits

Why SASE is so important in the new, data-driven retail landscape


With fundamental shifts in consumer behaviour, changing economic conditions, and a rapidly evolving regulatory environment, it's a challenging but exciting time for the UK's retail sector, and technology has a key role to play. In particular, advances in IT and networking solutions are empowering retailers to enhance their operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and retain their competitive edge in an increasingly online and interconnected world.

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  1588 Hits

Maintaining operational resilience in a changing Finance sector


The Finance sector has always been one of the most dynamic, rapidly evolving industries, and this shows no signs of changing any time soon. But while shifts in the landscape may well open new opportunities, they will also come with new challenges, and it is the organisations who are ready and able to face these head-on who will continue to thrive in the years ahead.

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  1223 Hits

Data-driven manufacturing - laying the foundation for tomorrow’s interconnected workflows


Manufacturing workflows are evolving at an unprecedented rate, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down. The increasing effectiveness and affordability of 'smart' technologies and the Internet of Things means IT and OT are increasingly interconnected, with increasing volumes of data flowing between sites and devices on an ongoing basis.

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  1261 Hits

It is a challenging time for the Manufacturing sector, but focusing on operational efficiency can still provide the leading edge


The past few years have been challenging for the global Manufacturing sector, with both Brexit and COVID-19 creating a wide range of operational disruptions whose impact is still being felt. Indeed, as recently as January 2023, we saw UK manufacturing shrinking for the sixth consecutive month1.

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  1631 Hits

Costa Coffee


Teamwork and technology drive innovation with the UK's favourite coffee retailer

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  7016 Hits

NHS Digital


Bespoke technology solutions for the UK healthcare sector's digital pioneer About NHS Digital NHS Digital is the entire UK health and social care syst...

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  4954 Hits

Exponential-e Delivers Future of Work with Citrix®

Exponential-e Delivers Future of Work with Citrix®

MSP leverages Citrix SD-WAN™ to help clients deliver consistent, secure, reliable work experience wherever work needs to get done

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  3070 Hits

Ensuring home working benefits staff, families and organisations alike

There's no doubt that home working is here to stay. While it may have initially been deployed at large scale out of necessity, in response to COVID-19, it is clear that we are witnessing the dawn of a fully distributed workforce. However, as organisations continue to invest in new solutions to drive this change, it's important to remember that these are still the early days. We've never seen home working at this sort of scale, which means we need to establish a new standard of best practice and - equally importantly - the technology to support this.
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  3472 Hits

How technology enables organisations to be more agile

Although 'agile' has become a hype word, it is an important concept that organisations should strive to achieve in a world of continuous change and uncertainty. Being agile enables organisations to be more adaptive and reactive to the changing market, allowing them to respond quickly to customers' demands to keep a competitive edge.
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  3540 Hits

Debunking the Top 8 SD Wan Myths

Saving money with SD-WAN (part one)

Software Defined WAN, or SD-WAN for short, is the new big thing in business networking. Everybody's talking about SD-WAN, and about what it can do for businesses. Well, there's no doubt that SD-WAN can do a lot for your business; in fact, we'll be talking about exactly that in part 2 of this 3 part blog series. But before we do that, we need to talk about what SD-WAN can't do. Right now there's a popular misconception among businesses concerning SD-WAN - a misconception fed and sustained by headlines and marketing hype - that could lead them to take damaging shortcuts in incorporating SD-WAN into their business.

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  1138 Hits

Exponential-e shoots up The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100, fuelled by SD-DP and customer satisfaction


Today we are delighted to announce that Exponential-e has been listed at 46 in The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 - a rise of 43 places following o...

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  4466 Hits

Exponential‐e announces its world-first SD-Digital Platform

Exponential‐e announces its world-first SD-Digital Platform

A toolbox for digital transformation, the company's SD-DP technology evolved over 10 years, giving customers choice and control over their data

Exponential‐e, the British Cloud, Network, and Unified Communications provider, has today announced the latest phase of its Software Defined Digital Platform (SD-DP) - an integrated platform designed to underpin any organisation's digital transformation. The SD-DP is comprised of core and edge computing, bonded with SD-WAN, SD-Data Centre to form a robust, underlying advanced network that enables data to flow freely yet securely between multiple clouds. Combined with multi-various tools and services, these components form an intelligent, agile, safe, and cost-effective digital transformation stack for all modern organisations.

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  2199 Hits

3 real-world examples of how to use SD-WAN to make money


Saving money with SD-WAN (part three)

Having debunked some of the myths surrounding SD-WAN’s money-saving properties in part one, and having provided some hypothetical examples of how it can actually save you money in part two, in the final part of this series I want to really ‘get real’ about SD-WAN.

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  4665 Hits

Forget the hype: here’s 3 ways you can actually save money with SD-WAN


Saving money with SD-WAN (part two)

"SD-WAN is an exciting, transformative technology that can do a lot of amazing things for your business – but it needs to be used correctly."

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  4961 Hits