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The Hidden Barrier to Digital Transformation that Insurers must be Ready to Overcome


Digital transformation continues to pick up pace across the financial sector. However, in spite of the potential benefits on offer, many insurance firms continue to lag behind their peers in terms of their overall digital maturity. 

  523 Hits

IT, Network and Connectivity for Professional Services


Any organisation delivering professional services of any sort - from architecture and accountancy to engineering or recruitment - relies on ...

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  1945 Hits

Is the Internet of Things the distributed workforce’s Trojan horse?


Our lives are more interconnected than ever, with everything from televisions to fridges, kettles, cars and even doors and windows now able to be linked together over the internet. Having long since moved on from being just an intriguing concept, the Internet of Things (IoT) is very much here to stay, with devices like Bluetooth headphones and the Amazon Alexa now omnipresent in many people's lives. But while these 'smart' devices are often convenient and fun, they do present a number of concerns regarding security.

  2559 Hits

Managed and Professional Services: How complementary solutions are becoming critical ones


Throughout the past few months, we have seen organisations' internal teams forced to adapt their processes, infrastructure and strategies in ways that would previously have been inconceivable. Key to the success of this process has been the support of external service providers, who have complemented companies' internal expertise and freed IT teams to focus their attention where it is most needed. As it becomes clear that the distributed workforce is here to stay, such partnerships are going to be more important than ever moving forward.

  2236 Hits