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Exponential-e shoots up The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100, fuelled by SD-DP and customer satisfaction
Today we are delighted to announce that Exponential-e has been listed at 46 in The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 - a rise of 43 places following our debut last year at 89. Our inclusion was driven largely by our work in Digital Transformation, offered through our industry-leading SD-DP, the benefits of which have been seen by a diverse range of...
Digital Transformation in the Legal sector: some key takeaways from BLTF 2019
Jonathan Bridges
Digital Transformation
Attending the British Legal Technology Forum (BLTF) in London last week highlighted the increasing importance and emphasis on Digital Transformation (DX) within the Legal sector. 
Why a stable network should be every bricks-and-mortar retailer’s bread-and-butter
According to the latest PwC report, about 14 shops are closing every day in the UK as the high street faces one of its toughest seasons in five years. It’s no secret that the convenience of online shopping has been challenging retailers for some time now. With the world of technology ever changing, retailers need to adapt in order to keep up with both their immediate competitors and the wider industry.
Challenges for Digital Transformation (DX) in the Architecture industry
Roberto Castro
With technological innovation heightening client expectations, one of the biggest challenges architects have is to convincingly show their clients how a finished structure will look. As such, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality (VR / AR / MR) applications have now become an integral part of the design process as well as the client...
Beyond the buzzwords: why you should be paying attention to tech if you’re in Legal.
David Watson
What a time to work in the Legal sector! There's so many new technologies to think about; perhaps too many. There's cloud, there's automation, there's AI/Machine Learning, there's agile working, there's digital transformation… any more buzzwords you care to think of?
What is the role of Telematics in the Transport and Logistics industry and how will it impact digitisation?
The foundation of Telematics is the technology that collects, stores and sends information between end users and vehicles through telecommunication devices.
The recent evolution of the Cyber Threat landscape for Financial Services
As the Financial Services (FS) industry continues to adopt and leverage digital technologies to innovate and deliver customer-centric outcomes, there is also a major focus on inward change, on improving employee experience through streamlining, simplifying and consolidating platforms, infrastructure and processes. Of course, Digital Transformation comes with an abundance of risks. Some of these are already widely recognised and covered by the mainstream media, some are newly emerging, and others are as yet unknown.
Technology Led Construction – The Expert Opinion: Interview with Aarni Heiskanen
I spoke to a globally recognised thought leader on the role of technology and innovation in the Construction industry. Aarni Heiskanen shares his thoughts and vision with me, which are no doubt helping to shape the construction landscape today and more importantly, the future.
How partnering with Exponential-e can make you a go-to business for data centre solutions
Digital Transformation
While the improvement of IT management remains a goal for all enterprise IT teams, the true aim for IT departments today should be to simplify IT in order to drive business agility. Unfortunately, simplifying IT isn’t so simple.
Digitisation is already transforming all Transport and Logistics segments and is expected to be the most impactful trend over the coming years, reshaping entire businesses.
In the face of globalisation, digitisation, and the entirely new business models that have followed the emergence of new and innovative services, the need for rapid change is being defined and set by customers and their expectations.
How legal firms can fix their relationship with cloud technology and safeguard their future
The relationship between cloud technology and the Legal sector has been something of a slow burner. Understandably, legal firms have previously been reluctant to adopt cloud technology due to the sensitive data they hold. Through the Cloud, data is able to flow freely to and from recognised enterprise endpoints, but also from mobile devices belonging to employees.
Cloud and the top 3 technology considerations for business transformation strategy
Jonathan Bridges
In the final instalment of this story of innovation and Cloud computing, it’s time to explore how a successful transformation strategy yields the best of both worlds -- that is to say, harnessing both Public Cloud and Private Cloud to create a fruitful Hybrid.