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City Gateway


Scalable and fully managed voice solution and superfast Internet connectivity. support their infrastructure and allowing them to transform the lives of children, young people.

About City Gateway

City Gateway works to transform the lives of children, young people and women who are most impacted by social and economic inequality and exclusion.

They aim to ensure that they benefit from stronger foundations for learning at school, easier transitions into adulthood, better job prospects, healthier relationships and improved mental and physical health.

They provide safe, sustainable and meaningful programmes that ensure communities develop the skills and confidence that will launch them into long-term education, employment or enterprise.


City Gateway needed a provider that could offer them the services that they required, with a solution built for them and their needs.

They wanted the technical capability to support them and ensure delivery of the solution by the tight deadline. They also had their vision of opening schools across London in mind, so were hoping that Exponential-e could deliver on this project and many more.

Throughout the entire project, from planning through installation, implementation and go live Exponential-e supported and advised City Gateway to ensure that the process was as fluid as possible.

City Gateway now have their exact requirements, in a scalable and fully managed voice solution alongside reliable, superfast Internet Connectivity. All are able to support their infrastructure and users.

Provided on time and to budget, Exponential-e were able to surpass the expectations of City Gateway. Exponential-e continues to provide ongoing support to City Gateway and offers them technical knowledge, input and support when required.

Throughout the entire project from planning through to installation, and implementation to go live, Exponential-e supported and advised us. We now have exactly what we wanted.

Steve Moore Head of Resources and Facilities, City Gateway.


City Gateway were moving from temporary accommodation in the East End of London to new premises on the Isle of Dogs. A new change of location heralded the requirement for new, reliable and cost-effective connectivity and telephony services.

The existing service provider was proving relatively expensive for the organisation and was also unable to provide all of the services that City Gateway required.

City Gateway looked for a service provider that could offer them flexible Internet connectivity and a scalable managed telephony service. They approached a number of providers to see what they had to offer and went through a rigorous selection process, eventually deciding to use Exponential-e as they felt they offered everything they were looking for.

Timing was critical for the move aligned to the implementation of the new services, as City Gateway had to open at the start of a new school term - meaning that the deadline was unavoidable.

Solution benefits

  • Exponential-e offered everything that City Gateway were looking for, and delivered the solution in a timely, efficient and seamless manner.
  • City Gateway are very pleased with the performance and reliability of the services, alongside the ongoing support. Their services were implemented and provided on time and on budget.
  • They now have exactly what they wanted: a flexible, scalable and reliable fully managed telephony service and a reliable high capacity Internet Connection.

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