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Glen Howells Architects


Providing a leading architectural design studio with a launching pad for effective remote collaboration

About Glen Howells Architects

Launching in 1990, Glenn Howells Architects is a leading UK architectural design studio, with a 140‐ strong creative team delivering innovative projects from offices in both London and Birmingham - all driven by the belief that our physical spaces can make a tangible difference in the lives of both individuals and communities.


Like all companies within the architectural sector, Glenn Howells Architects depend on close collaboration between team members to deliver innovative designs that draw on the full scope of their creativity. While their legacy voice system, supplemented with multiple UC platforms, had proven adequate in this regard for some time, the onset of COVID‐19, and the resulting move to remote working, meant that the system was being utilised at a scale that had never been tried before. The system quickly revealed its limitations in this regard, having no softphone capabilities outside of the company VPN, and lacking the capacity to manage the number of team members now connecting to the corporate network via personal devices each day.

Having already established a strong working relationship with Exponential‐e over the years, they were selected as the technology partner to propose and deliver a solution in response to these challenges, ensuring the deployment would be achieved with minimal disruption and ensure the entire creative team could adapt to the new working model straight away.


Following a detailed analysis of their requirements, budget, and existing infrastructure, Microsoft Teams Calling, delivered through an as-a-Service model, proved a perfect fit for Glen Howells Architects' immediate and long-term needs.

As a Cloud-based solution, TCaaS was deployed rapidly across their infrastructure, under the supervision of a dedicated project team, who remained in regular contact before and after the deployment process to ensure its success and ensure any concerns could be swiftly resolved.

The project team were very informative, efficient, and successfully delivered a working solution to the agreed timeline. As a client, I felt I had no complaints about the delivery of the solution and support providing during and after the implementation.

Dharminder Grewal, IT Manager - Glen Howells Architects. 

This hands-on support meant that uptake of the new solution across Glen Howells Architects' creative team was achieved extremely quickly, to the extent Teams became their default tool for remote collaboration between both colleagues and clients, completely replacing the previous, disparate selection of UC solutions.

The success of this deployment helped Glen Howells maintain their dynamic creative processes and customer engagement throughout the lockdowns of 2020, while simultaneously enhancing their future agility and scalability, and strengthening their working relationship with Exponential-e. Plans are already in place for further solutions to be integrated into Glen Howells Architects' IT infrastructure, in order to build on these successes.

Solution benefits

  • A smooth, stress-free transition to remote working for the entire creative team
  • A fully integrated approach to cross-site communication and collaboration, through a centralised UC platform
  • Disruption-free migration of legacy voice and UC system
  • Optimal scalability, agility, and cost control, thanks to a Cloud-based solution
  • A strong foundation for future development and upscaling 

An introduction to digital transformation across the AEC sector

01 A comprehensive guide to Exponential-e's portfolio of solutions and how they support the AEC sector's journey to full digital transformation

02 Proven strategies and processes, drawn directly from Exponential-e's experience with AEC leaders and numerous other sectors

03 Technology that drives future scalability, flexibility, and innovation, while allowing for full visibility and cost control

  5198 Hits

Reassessing your Strategy

Our Channel Sales Director, Alp Kostem, writes for Comms Business on why adaptability and capability must go hand in hand in the Channel's new normal... Read more.

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