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Going Digital for Better Healthcare: The Challenges and Opportunities of the New NHS Funds

Going Digital for Better Healthcare
With £4.2 billion set aside for the UK's healthcare sector in the 2024 Spring Budget, there are new opportunities for digital transformation initiatives to optimise operational efficiency and enhance patient care across the country, provided they are correctly acted upon. 

Ultimately, the goal is to save £3.5 billion over the next five years by making things more efficient, in line with the NHS Long-term Workforce Plan. Simple, right?

Well, yes and no…

Whilst most of us would agree that increased investment into our nation's health can only be a good thing, some folks worry that "throwing money at the problem" isn't the answer - and in part I'd agree. However, it's important that we don't discount the opportunity before we even get going. After all, it would be remiss of us to understate the benefits that digital transformation has already delivered and continues to bring to the table.

For context, the National Audit Office reported in 2018 that previous investments in new technologies across the sector had been "expensive and largely unsuccessful" and questioned whether any lessons had been learned. As recently as March 2024 Professor Pat Cullen said:

"Technology is transformative in healthcare, but you still need enough staff to use it, yet the chancellor did not face up to his NHS workforce plan now heading in the wrong direction. Fewer people are starting nurse courses, not more. When nursing staff are already forced to give care in corridors and treat 15 patients at a time, his productivity plan must not ask them for even more."

Professor Pat Cullen - Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing

So, mistakes have certainly been made and must be learned from. But it's equally important that we continue to build on achievements to date, and not discount the (considerable) strides that have been made in technology-powered healthcare. For starters…

We've seen NHS Digital (now the Digital Directorate within NHS England) leverage technology and data to support better care and boost efficiency.

The NPIC platform is helping accelerate cancer diagnosis and improve the speed at which pathology results are delivered. This is enabling real-time, cross-team collaboration, with clinicians leveraging data and AI to support one of the centre's key objectives: reducing waiting times for cancer treatment. 

HMPPS and the Telemedicine programme opened new channels that allowed people going through the justice system to continue accessing healthcare services throughout the pandemic - an effective model for omnichannel care.

We've also seen this with Bromley Healthcare, who continue to develop a technology-powered foundation for community nurses and staff, allowing them to securely deliver care from anywhere, on any device.

Looking back at these projects - of which there are many more - it's clear that with user-centred design, technology can drive better outcomes for patients and make life easier for staff on the frontline.

To be clear, this isn't just about buying new gadgets. A sustainable future for our healthcare sector must involve change at a systemic level. In other words, greater education, improving population health and reducing health inequalities across the system - all of which will require much more than money. Where digital and technology investments are concerned, we need clear objectives and demonstrable benefits realisation, so that investments deliver tangible, positive outcomes across all levels of society. 

There's certainly a lot to consider, and how the budget's allocation will play out following the upcoming election is yet to be seen. However, whilst this announcement doesn't solve everything, it's already clear that technology can give the NHS that extra few percentage points in terms of efficiency, which ultimately translates into lives saved.

So, with that in mind, let's talk! We'd welcome a dialogue with anyone looking to maximise their investments and ensure they deliver real outcomes for staff, patients, and communities. 

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